Sunday, 27 March 2016

We've Got Your Goat!

Easter Sunday in Namuncha was a huge celebration. The four hour service was a mix of dancing, singing, prayer, and sharing the joy of community. The little children watched us with wide eyes and vied for a chance to sit in our laps where they curiously stroked our skin, touched our hair and held our hands as we clapped to the rhythm of the music, We wore our Masi jewellery and shukas but our dress could not rival the beautiful traditional clothing of the Masai women.

Following the service, we were served a meal with meat, a sign that our visit was very special. While the children enjoyed an Easter treat, we thanked our cooks with gifts of rice.

Then, the real excitement began. Our thirty-eight goats were herded into a pen where they were selected by their new owners and brought to wardrobe where they were dressed in their new scarves. Pastor Simon explained that a gift of livestock, you become a friend forever. All of our Tumaini supporters who purchased a goat can know they have lasting friends in Namuncha. 

It is so difficult to describe the joy and sincere thanks our new friends expressed as they received these gifts. The hugs, gifts of beadwork, handshakes, and smiles were overwhelming. One elderly man brought tears to our eyes as he hoisted his new goat in his arms and practically danced away with his new source of income.
It was a long day, but we left in high spirits. One more day till we say ole sere.

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