Saturday, 26 March 2016

Joy in Namuncha

Today's blog is coming to you from the northern savannah of Sault Ste Marie, Ontario.  Hello….I am Vicki, the IT support person and photo editor.   While I have been encouraging the team to keep on writing because I know that you are enjoying their updates as much as I am, it turns out that they have busy doing other things.  Go figure!   The full days, hot sun and hard work are taking their toll and apparently, flopping into bed at the end of the day is more inviting than composing an update for our amusement.   But I have been getting brief updates via text and Jeannine has been sending me photos so, since the pictures speak for themselves, I thought I would post some for your viewing pleasure.

Upon their return from the Maasai Mara, they have spent most of their time in the Maasai village of Namuncha.  They have continued work on the fence and helped to dig trenches for the water tank.  In addition to the manual labour, they have been spending time with the young children.   Yesterday they delivered the Days For Girls kits and gave a lesson on their use.  They also spoke to the girls about female circumcision, HIV and condom use.     As a way of saying thank you, the girls sang and danced for them.  Not to be outdone, Jeannine responded in kind.  I think we all would have liked to have seen that!

Today they are back to Namuncha with the goats!  Lots and lots of goats!  Enjoy the photos! 

Come On!  How Cute is That!

Serving Lunch

More Lunch

Well Behaved and Patient in Line

And Happy

Diane giving Days for Girls Lesson

Girls With Their Kits

Happy Easter everyone

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful..i can hardly wait to hear the stories!
